Water Lilies P H N
Nymphaeaceae:  Nymphaea hybrids
June 8: Four or 5 leaves have broken through the water surface. The lily container was too close to the surface so I cleaned the pond a bit today. There were many rocks and much dead vegetation on the bottom. It will need more cleaning.
27: Ben cleaned it out.

Marliacea Chromatella
June 8: Many leaves in the centre of its pond.

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Other Years

May 6: I sunk it back into the pond. There is short healthy pale growth.
June 17: New leaves are visible today in the slightly murky water, about 25 cm below the surface of the water.
19: 3 leaves are above or half above the surface now.
August 21: Nice flowers most sunny days.
December 31: It is passing the winter in a large plastic tub in the basement.
May 6: I sunk it back into its pond. There are 5 separate rosettes of new growth.
August 21: Most of the leaves are in a clump above the water. No flowers this year. The pond should be deeper.
December 31: It is passing the winter in a large plastic tub in the basement.
May 10: I sunk it back into the pond. There were small green shoots on top.
May 21: I believe I can see those shoots growing.
June 14: Suddenly, several lily pads on top of the water.
July 2: Large lily pads, and first flower bud.
June 3: I bought one from Ron Paul Nurseries, $34.99. Fragrant pink, cup-shaped flowers stand out above its glossy burgundy-green leaves. Dislikes moving water. Should be planted 15 to 43 inches deep. Blooms midsummer. Hardiness, zones 4 to 9.
June 10: I planted it in about 8 cm of mud in a 9" by 13" plastic basket. I put a flat stone in the pond and the basket on the stone so that its single leaf is near the pond surface.
17: The single leaf is almost entirely at the water surface, and 2 new leaves are on the surface.
26: I removed the rock from underneath their basket. Unfortunately the leaves and stems dried out before I got them back in the pond.
July 1: The old leaves are gone but one large new one has come up.
31: First flower, a very lovely one.
October 16: I brought the basket inside. It is now in a black garbage bag in the basement. Most of the leaves are still attached and look healthy.
Marliacea Chromatella
May 19: I sunk it back into its pond.
30: No sign of growth.
31: Many short shoots with small leaves at their tips.
June 7: The small leaves have reached the water's surface.
July 2: 50 leaves, 6 to 8 cm across.
June 3: I bought one from Ron Paul Nurseries, $34.99. One of the best yellow waterlilies. Flowers last 2-4 days. If well-fed they bloom all summer. Needs full sun. Does not like rapidly moving or splashing water. Start the plant close to surface of water (warmest) and slowly drop to 24 inches under water surface for winter hardiness in most northern US areas. Bloom time: summer. Hardiness, zones 3 to 11.
12: I planted it in about 8 cm of mud in a 9" by 13" plastic basket and put it in the shallow new front pond.
17: It has 7 small leaves, which is more than when I bought it.
July 1: 16 leaves, and mosquito eggs and larvae in the pond.
October 16: I brought the basket inside. It is now in a black garbage bag in the basement. Almost all the leaves froze a few nights ago and are brown and soft.

Almost Black
December 31: The bucket dried out during the winter and the plant didn't grow again in spring.
December 31: I bought a plant and it did nicely in the pond. I brought it in for the winter and put it in a bucket in the basement.