Clematis P H N
Ranunculaceae:  Clematis jackmanii
Jackmanii, the first of the large flowering hybrids, was hybridized in 1858 by George Jackman from Clematis laguinosa and a viticella, Atrorubens.
Jackmanii Clematis, 2013
Jackmanii Clematis, 2013
Nelly Moser Clematis, 2013
Nelly Moser Clematis, 2013
May 11: The Jackmanii stalk has small new leaves at its base.
June 19: Both doing fine.

Previous Species


Next Species

Other Years

June 22: I bought 2 small plants from Rona for $3.99 each. One is a Jackmanii and one is a Nelly Moser.
June 23: I planted them in the semi-circular bed.
September 23: Still alive so I hope for more next year.
May 28:  No sign of it.
June 23:  There were 2 or so healthy vines and 2 or so sickly ones with yellow splotchy leaves, but now the healthy ones have splotchy leaves too.
July 10:  2 flowers, and that looks like the most there will be.
July 20:  There were about 21 flowers at the peak.
April 25:  New shoots today.
May 21:  The growth is feeble, and the leaves have little colour.
July 5:  Although it is doing better than last year, it is still only a fraction of what it was in previous years.   Its bed is dry, and I don't think the full benefits of the manure have worked their way to the plant yet.
~October 6:  Ben worked a bag (9 kg) of manure into the bed.
April 22: One above-ground bud is swelling.
May 28:  The shoots are about 15 cm long now.   They were very slow to start due to the cool spring weather.
June 8:  Some are a good green, but most are pale.
July 24:  Flowering nicely, and of a medium size.   I saw a beautiful long-established plant in England, and the gardener told me he gives it manure on top every year.
October 6:  I cleared it away, and dug about 9 kg of manure into its bed.
May 1: The clematis does not show any growth
May 2: It is budding at the bottom.
June 18: It is not doing very well.   It is not very tall, and there are not many shoots, and many of those shoots are pale green with improperly developed leaves. It looked even worse, paler, before I gave it a large dose of lawn fertilizer.
June 29: First flowers.
December 2: It responded to the fertilizer, but never grew large.   I guess its soil is worn out.   It should have fertilizer next year, of some kind.   I gave it some during the summer but I believe it needs more.
Jackmanii Clematis, 2000
Jackmanii Clematis, 2000
Clematis, 2001, photo by Rosanna Parry
April 30: New growth is visible, some from as high as 3 feet up!
June 20: First flowers.
August 1: Flowering is essentially over. It did not get as high as it used to. Maybe the soil is worn out.
April 26: First shoots are visible today.
May 24: Growing well.
June 20: First flowers.
June 30: Many flowers, but only 6 feet tall.
August 3: Finished flowering a couple of weeks ago, essentially.
31: The same as a month ago.
September 30: A good show, but not spectacular as in past years.
May 3: Over 3 feet high.
June 1: Flourishing. Well up the trellis. Buds visible.
May 1: New growth already! and from well above the soil level.
June 25: First flowers.
August 7: Only a few flowers left. The plant was very bushy, but not as tall as other years. It flowered beautifully.
October 30: Covered with flax straw.
May 3: I cut off the old stalks, and there was sap in them, but there is no new visible growth yet.
17: First new shoots today, after rain last night.
27: Manure.
June 30: First flower.
September 3: Still in flower.
May 9: I removed its winter mulch today. It is growing very well.
June 15: It has reached the top of the trellis, and is thick on the trellis.
July 7: It has been magnificent in its blossoms for about 2 weeks.
May 10: Visible today, more than 2 feet tall.
June 20: Doing very well. Tall, very thick, with flower buds.
21: Flowers
July 4: Magnificent!
August 18: The clematis has dead blossoms showing.
September 4: The clematis has a few flowers left, and many spent blossoms.
~October 12: I heaped dry leaves over it.